
How we do things in the family business to succeed defines the culture.What is the predominant culture that prevails in your family business?

  • June 28, 2019
  • By Sadashiva Consulting Services

How we do things in the #FamilyBusiness to succeed defines the culture. 
What is the predominant culture that prevails in your family business?
Control - We succeed by getting and keeping control through #process#systems#standardisation#power etc
Competence - We succeed by being the best through #professionalism#meritocracy#craftsmanship#achievement etc
#Cultivation - We succeed by growing people who fulfill our vision through creativity, innovation, purpose, faith etc
#Collaboration - We succeed by working together through affiliation, synergy, trust, egalitarian, diversity etc
You could have a predominant culture and a sub-culture to encourage a particular type of behavior. Culture is like the soil which decides what type of seeds may be sowed to fructify.
This is one of the fundamental pre requisite for professionalization of family business to attract talent. Increased participation of professionals in running the business as it becomes complex to add value has become necessary . It's not about ownership.

No of family members in the management are decreasing in family business. Capability of family members need to keep improving to match or supersede the professional. End of the day it's about value creation. #familybusinesses
For more details logon to www.sadashivaconsulting.in
#familybusiness #FamilyBusinessAdvisoryServices#FamilyBusinessAdvisors Bangalore, India #FamilyBusinessConsultants

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