
Road Map for Family Business - An Education program for your Family business

  • May 15, 2018
  • By Sadashiva Consulting Services

Greetings !!

The importance of learning and reflecting together as a family through educational programs in order to work at family harmony and sustain business growth is extremely important and critical.

If you become an enormously successful family, you started with nothing, built a world-class enterprise, with good reason you take great pride in the particular formula that led you to that success. The problem is that, many families end up believing that they themselves, and they alone have the answers to their own future because they have been able to demonstrate that they can do a lot of things. So who is going to teach me anything? So piercing through that, and actually saying to families you may have been enormously successful, up to this point, but the reality is that often the challenges that are coming down the line for you, you have not lived. So you may require to reassess the formula that made you successful. The most important thing is again, instilling in families the kind of humility and the kind of, shall we say, self awareness to be able to know that they need to be on a learning curve, as long as they are an enterprise family. Because the world changes, the circumstances of their businesses change, the legal systems change, their kids and their grandkids will change. So, that is the one given, right? So how do you impact your family so their adaptability to those changes can actually be enhanced?

Sadashiva Consulting Services - A Boutique Family business consulting firm engages with family business, especially in the area of small and medium business enterprises in creating awareness and education in the area of Family business management.
The Roadmap for Family Business – An educational program has been developed to provide business families with a better understanding of fundamental and contemporary concepts such as:
·       Balancing Family and Business
·       Navigating Ownership
·       Decision-Making Processes
·       Planning Ahead
·       Mapping Family Life Cycle to Business Life Cycle
·       Succession Planning and Transition
·       Managing Differences
We want to instil in families the notion of lifelong learning. For education to occur, you have to create the capacity as a family to literally hit pause, in your life, and reflect on how you are doing what you are doing. We often say to people that experience without reflection is not learning, it is just experience. So creating for families the capacity, the language, the opportunities for them to pause and just simple things, like how are you running your board? How are you developing your next generation? How are you addressing the complex issues of ownership that come with having an enterprise?  It sounds simple but in fact, families do not do it. So what happens is that they are making choices, a stream of choices, and very seldom do they pause and then move up to thirty thousand feet to look at the total picture of how are they going about what they are doing. All families have to bring themselves up to a level of understanding and respect of the issues before they can thoughtfully engage in solving their circumstances.
We have the experience of conducting multiple awareness session for family business individually as well as in forum. We also work as family business advisor which is a separate service that we offer to select family business across the country. Developing the next generation to transition into family business is one of our specialisation area.
We would be happy to engage with your family in facilitating this program. As a preliminary step we could have a meeting over a call or video meeting through Skype as per your convenience.
Look forward to you response,
Thanks and Regards,
Prinicipal Consultant
Sadashiva Consulting Services
Phone : +91 9686355552

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